Stakeholder engagement

Medley actively pursues dialogue with all of the stakeholders in our corporate activities. We will continue to work with our shareholders to create a sustainable society and increase corporate value.

Stakeholder Communication method/content Reflection in corporate activities
  • Creation of contact points, including feedback forms for each service
  • Customer satisfaction evaluation
  • Information collection via internet
  • Posting of company and business information on corporate website
  • Support for improvement of quality of medical care by providing medical IT systems
  • Provision of safe products and services
Shareholders and investors
  • Annual shareholders meetings
  • Financial results briefings
  • Dialogue with investors
  • IR section of website
  • Increase corporate value through continuous growth
  • Timely, appropriate information disclosure and ongoing communication
Employees and their families
  • Employee awareness surveys
  • Internal reporting system
  • Information dissemination via internal website
  • Aggressive implementation of internal projects
  • Exchange of opinions between employees and management
  • Providing a workplace wherein many different types of people can thrive
  • Creation of environment wherein employees can play an active role and grow while being treated fairly
Local communities and governments
  • Participation in joint public/private sector projects
  • Membership in economic/industry associations
  • Contribution to resolution of social problems in the field of medical healthcare through our business activities
  • Appropriate collaboration with national/local governments and related organizations to alleviate the labor shortage in the medical healthcare field and promote the use of digital technologies
* Currently, Medley refers to “patients and consumers” and “workers who serve patients and consumers” and as “customers”.

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