BTC evolves into STC
Creator's story - Kuniori Maeda
Business, technology, and creativity: individuals who seamlessly
link these three elements are called "BTC personnel", taking the
initials of each.
The BTC proposed by the design firm "Takram" is considered to be
essential by Medley's design department. This is the thinking of
Kuniori Maeda, head of the design department.
Achieving more commercial designs and moving to a business company
Maeda's experience in his former role has greatly affected his
thinking regarding ideal designers. As a designer, Maeda has held
several roles in various design companies during his career. It
was at Livesense that he encountered the idea of designing closer
to the business.
At the time, he says there was momentum for accelerated growth
toward becoming a publicly listed company.
"The CEO, who was in his early twenties, was boasting about aiming
to go public. I really felt the momentum. I joined Livesense as I
thought that here—a business company—I could gain a lot of
experience and that I would have a great deal of freedom."
Livesense was an environment where a series of new businesses were
being created and tested. In that environment, Maeda experienced
designing for a wide variety of services. For him, it deepened his
role in design for the business. "Creating new services meant
creating new brands. It was a very valuable experience to repeat
the cycle of thinking about the best branding for each service and
working on the design."
An ideal designer
While gaining a full range of experiences as a designer, Maeda
also worked on management as the head of the design department. At
the time, the development organization was becoming larger, the
design department was created, and he was selected as the
department head. From there, he looked for optimum solutions for
both his own growth as a designer and the growth of the team.
"We actively delegated authority to team members while keeping
areas that cannot be delegated, such as personnel recruitment and
employee evaluations, within our control. For example, if a member
is interested in Art Direction, we leave the direction of that
area to that employee. We developed an environment that makes use
of each discipline and desired course without having to handle too
much by ourselves."
We worked not only on relationships between designers but also
communication with engineers and the business side involved in the
tasks. Communication with other functional areas was considered to
be important in order for us to be able to offer value to the
business. From around this time, Maeda became aware of the
importance of not only design but also perspectives.
A company's culture is created by the founder's philosophy
Maeda encountered Medley because of the field of "medical care."
In his previous role, Maeda was involved in the launch of a
medical information service. Therein, he keenly felt the pain that
the medical industry was going through and felt that they could
not let this problem pass.
"Through my involvement with medical care services, I gradually
began to think of issues with medical care as personal ones. I had
a vague idea that I may wish to be further involved sooner or
later." His prediction soon became a reality.
A colleague, Hirayama, moved to the position of Medley's CTO. At
the time of its launch, Maeda was asked to design the CLINICS
Telemedicine app. Initially, it was simply assisting in the
design. However, therein, Maeda was extremely impressed with the
words of the representatives on the corporate site that he saw.
"The words of the two representatives, which included passionate
ones regarding the sense of challenge for the industry and went on
all the way to underscore the significance of offering services,
were written there. I was impressed with the ability to
specifically convey our thoughts up to that point and the focus on
a single business domain while carrying out a well-thought-out
business development strategy."
Maeda himself was engaged in CI in his former position and
strongly felt the importance of the company's vision.
"The founder's philosophy led to the creation of the company's
culture, and it is very important to assess whether or not that
culture is suitable for one's self. Here, I felt that I could work
to tackle medical care head on."
BTC guidelines required by Medley
On the basis of past experiences, Maeda deliberated over what
could be the ideal design department for Medley. Therein, he
sorted out the elements required of designers while simultaneously
placing BTC in the core.
"Communication with engineers and the business side is key for
business companies. Designers need to understand both technology
and the business to communicate well with specialists in each
area. Therefore, we decided to become a department that could
produce BTC personnel."
It did not take much time for Maeda's ideas to percolate to the
"Fortunately, our design department was so excellent and
well-balanced that we were able to quickly understand the
direction of the BTC that we aimed to achieve. Each of them was
able to move autonomously and build good relationships with
engineers and the business side."
BTC evolves into STC
While emphasizing organizational development, Maeda also focused
on the growth of designers.
"Even at age 50, I want to continue to actively work hands on,
follow design trends, and update my skills. It is like being
Kazuyoshi Miura, the soccer athlete. Typically, at that age, one
would be a coach or manager. I think it is superb that he
continues to keep evolving as a player."
Maeda believes that developing an organization that can share
values as a designer is essential to his growth. Designer values
are not only related to design in a narrow sense. Maeda is
continuing to deepen his thinking, considering relationships with
business and society.
"At one time, I noticed that, in the case of Medley, we were
aiming toward a broader perspective than BTC. The field of medical
care that we were aiming for must create good things for society
rather than just be for business expansion. What we should be
aware of is not just business but society. That means it is STC
not BTC."
Maeda's attitude toward STC came from the mindset of the
development headquarters.
"Medley is a public institution within society. The path of
achievement is not about pushing one's own cause or team growth
but contributing to the challenges of society and people. It is a
public mindset that continues to deliver value. It is natural for
unexplored challenges to be difficult. Let us contribute to
This phrase represents the image of the designer that Medley
Date: OCT 2018

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